Pups On Parade - Poodle
Our Price: $7.95
This full-size, traceable woodcraft pattern includes a materials list, list of color paints used (if applicable and we carry all colors needed), cutting guide, and easy instructions to make this project. Our patterns are printed on high-quality paper and shipped to your home. Uses common plywood and woodworking tools. Do it in a weekend! Our new line of Pups On Parade is every dog-lover’s dream come 1! Craft your favorite breeds  they’ll stand regal and proud in every yard. Perfect for craft shows, your favorite vet and local animal shelter, too! All Pups On Parade designs are exclusive, featuring Sherwood’s precise, full-size patterns and easy-to-follow painting instructions. Watch for many new breeds to prance through the pages of our next catalog, too. Choose from #1556, #1557, #1559, #1563, #1565, #1573, #1574 and #1576.
Flat Rate Shipping Fee $6.95 per order
Condition: new